Sunday, February 09, 2025


Suction Power: CFM vs. Lift full story...

The Truth About Portable Carpet Cleaning Machines full story...

Eclipse Portable Extractor Reviews full story...

The Truth About Portable Carpet Cleaning Machines

Portable Carpet Cleaning Machines (portable extractors) are becoming more and more popular in today's carpet cleaning industry. Back in the day, if you had a portable carpet cleaning machine, you would not have been able to come close to the power of a truckmount. Boy, have times changed !!

Most portable carpet cleaning machines still fall far short of truck mount power. However, the 1% of portables out there that have truck mount power allow the professional carpet cleaner to have the necessary power to clean while giving the operator many advantages portables provide.

Here are just a few advantages a "High Powered Portable Extractor" may provide:

When you are searching for a portable extractor, pay attention to its suction power (see Suction Power: CFM vs. Lift). You have a competitive advantage when you find a portable extractor with the power of a truck mount combined with the advantages mentioned above.

If you are searching for the ultimate High Powered Portable Extractor, try checking out the Eclipse by CleanCraft Products, Inc.

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